Everyone familiar with weekday and month names appreciates older Roman planetary mythology passed down to our modern era.  Western Christianity overlays many Latin meanings and spellings to mix original Jewish lunar calendar notions with solar years.

Week Day and Month Names of the Gregorian Calendar

Open_Face_Calendar.jpgWeek Day Names of the Gregorian Calendar
The seven day week divided the Roman solar calendar subordinate to the seven planetary gods whose movements were believed to regulate the universe. Weekday names are a translated version of the same Latin identifier. Expansion of the Roman Empire into Northern Europe combined Norse and Anglo-Saxon religious astrology. Each of the seven heavenly bodies known: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are represented in the modern Gregorian Calendar week. Earth was thought to be the center of the early solar system. The seven wandering stars helped perpetuate the esteemed seven day week.

May-July.jpgMonth Names of the Gregorian Calendar
Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible?  Timeemits.com seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages_of_Adam ministry.  Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time.  Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years.  Ages_of_Adam is a free read at timeemits.

Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://www.timeemits.com/Get_More_Time.htm, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Copyright 2012  Clark Nelson and timeemits.com  All Rights Reserved. URL: http://www.timeemits.com/cec/wdmngc.htm